Literacy First has amazing families with amazing stories. As part of one of our founding tenants, ‘every child is known,’ our Language Support program seeks to learn the stories of our 2nd language families, many who have fought or traveled in peril to come to America.
Did you know that in nearly every classroom, every year, there are Literacy First parents who become American citizens through a long application and testing process? Many of our families have traveled to us from countries that have been in the midst of war for decades. These countries, once their homes, are now no longer a safe place for families to grow and prosper. These LFCS families hold the American Dream strong in their hearts, and Literacy First is so proud to be part of their dream!
Our Language Support program is unique. Because we support our 2nd language students in many different ways throughout the school day, we are often able to bring them up to grade level proficiency much faster than the average of 5-7 years. We are never in a rush to move students out of our program! Their brains are working extra hard all day, every day to process each word spoken in both languages. It is only natural for learning gaps to occur during this process. Our program allows students access to English Language Development for as long as they need it!!
Our teachers are providing Integrated Language Support all day long and across all subjects. Our Language Support students also receive 45 of daily instruction that is just for them. We also provide an additional 45 minutes daily of small group instruction to our newest English speakers.
The results of our program speak for themselves. Many of our highest achieving students, and valedictorian candidates are part of our Language Support program.
I would like to share one of our families stories with you. This is just one example. We have dozens of families with stories just like this! When you see an unfamiliar face in the parking lot, or at a school event, go introduce yourself!! We are a community, a family, let’s get to know each other’s stories!
“In 1996, my wife and I were working for an organization in Iraq that was working against Sadam Hussein. At the time we had just had our first son. He was only three months when Sadam invaded the city we were living in, and he had our organization as his first target. We then fled the city in fear with only our son and a small bag of clothing in hand. We stayed at the border of Iraq and Turkey for a month in a small village with little access to water and electricity and a very miserable baby. Then we were rescued by a US military operation that took us to Turkey and then to the US. We now have 4 amazing children that have been raised in the US. While the US is amazing and we are blessed to have raised our children here, they would not be as amazing had it not been for the endless support and love they have received from Literacy First. Here, our children are known and loved and that is more than we can have ever asked for.”