LCHS Programs
A California public charter school serving students in grades 9 - 12

Below is a list the subjects offered at Liberty Charter High School. Click the subjects to view courses and descriptions.

Standard English 9 Students will develop as writers as they analyze both classics like The Odyssey and The Tragedy or Romeo and Juliet and contemporary works like House on Mango Street and Picture Bride. This course is designed for students who might profit from more structure and support than what is available in the college prep and honors level English courses. This course is UC a-g approved
College Prep English 9 In this course, students explore classics like The Odyssey and The Tragedy or Romeo and Juliet, as well as contemporary works like House on Mango Street and Picture Bride as they develop as readers, writers, and speakers in their preparation for college. This course is a-g approved.
Honors English 9 In this course, students explore classics like The Odyssey and The Tragedy or Romeo and Juliet, as well as contemporary works like House on Mango Street and Picture Bride as they develop as readers, writers, and speakers in their preparation for college. This course is designed for students who desire a more rigorous experience in an English literature class than is offered at the college prep level. Students learn to read as writers, analyze literature, and think critically not only with contemporary literature, but especially with an emphasis on classics. This course is a-g approved.
Standard English 10 In this course, students work to meet California ELA Framework standards for graduation. A focus on writing, grammar, and literary analysis lay the foundation upon which the skills necessary in life beyond high school are acquired. Students will explore works by various authors, including John Steinbeck, Harper Lee, and Shakespeare. This course is designed for students who might profit from more structure and support than what is available in the college prep and honors level English courses. This course is UC a-g approved
College Prep English 10 In this course, students explore classics like Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Concepts and skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking are taught throughout the year and assessed as part of a cumulative total. We focus on the literature of the western world. Students read works from Ancient Greece, Shakespeare, Enlightenment philosophers, and contemporary American writers. Students will be well versed in the major poetry of the west, as well as significant non-fiction works from a variety of sources in preparation for college. This course is a-g approved.
Honors English 10 In this course, students explore classics like Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, and Frankenstein as they develop as readers, writers, and speakers in their preparation for college. This course is designed for students who desire a more rigorous experience in an English literature class than is offered at the college prep level. Students learn to read as writers, analyze literature, and think critically not only with contemporary literature, but especially with an emphasis on classics. This course is a-g approved.
Standard English 11 In this course, students will continue their development of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills as outlined in the California State Standards for English-language Arts. Students implement the writing process to construct multi-paragraph essays in a variety of genres while analyzing various literary devices in a wide variety of texts. Students will set individual achievement goals based on Language Arts proficiency standards, with a special focus given to students working toward passing the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE). Students will develop critical thinking skills and demonstrate this ability both orally and in writing in preparation for life beyond high school. This course is UC a-g approved
College Prep English 11 In this course, students explore American Literature as they continue their development of college-level skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking as outlined in the California State Standards for English-language Arts. Students implement the writing process to construct multi-paragraph essays in a variety of genres while analyzing various literary devices in a wide variety of texts. Students develop critical thinking skills and demonstrate this ability both orally and in writing to compose a concise thesis and support it using evidence from personal, literary, and published sources. This course meets graduation requirements for high school and has been submitted to the UC for a-g approval. This course is a-g approved.
AP English Language and Composition This rhetoric-based AP course, designed for highly motivated eleventh grade students, builds students’ capacity as literate citizens and effective communicators to a college level. Students will, as the college board course overview webpage states, Become a critical reader of predominantly nonfiction works, including expository, argumentative, analytical, and personal texts from various authors and time periods Understand the interactions among a writer’s purpose, audience, subject, and genre and how each of these contributes to effective writing. Enhance your own writing skills and understand better each stage of the writing process as you develop expository, analytical, and argumentative compositions. This class will prepare students to take the AP English Language and Composition test in May, and it is required that all students who take this course, pay the exam fees and take the test. Because this class will normally be taken in place of a junior year of American literature, many of the readings will come from America, past and present. This course is a-g approved.
Standard English 12 In this course, students will continue their development of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills as outlined in the California State Standards for English-language Arts. Students implement the writing process to construct multi-paragraph essays in a variety of genres while analyzing various literary devices in a wide variety of texts. Students will set individual achievement goals based on Language Arts proficiency standards, with a special focus given to students working toward passing the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE). Students will develop critical thinking skills and demonstrate this ability both orally and in writing in preparation for life beyond high school. This course is UC a-g approved
College Prep English 12 The twelfth grade college prep English course provides students with a survey of British literature from Beowulf to contemporary pieces. Students will not only build cultural literacy as they explore these rich-in-heritage literary works of art, but also develop reasoning and writing skills. In addition to readings from the textbook, students will study in depth two full-length novels, complete an extensive research project, and write several shorter assignments using various genres of writing. This course is designed to meet California Academic Content Standards for 12thgrade English. This course is a-g approved.
AP Literature and Composition The purpose of the Advanced Placement course in Literature and Composition is to assist students in gaining valuable experience in collegiate-level instruction while earning college credit. The AP course demands of students a high level of independence and motivation. Students enrolling in the course are required to sit for the exam administration in May. The designation of a course as AP requires an audit by the College Board in order to ensure that high standards of instruction and rigor are implemented consistently within all high schools. As a result, students can expect the AP Literature and Composition course to require high levels of academic motivation, reading that is rigorous in volume, breadth, and depth, and standards consistent with instruction in an undergraduate-level college literature course. This course is a-g approved.
College Prep World Geography This course is designed to prepare students for all future history classes and active informed citizenship. As students study both the physical and human geography of each of the seven regions of the world, they learn to think critically about the geographical problems and issues facing our planet such as urban sprawl, climate change, population trends, consumption, and international cooperation. This course is a-g approved.
AP Human Geography
College Prep World History Literacy and leadership are foundational principles upon which Liberty Charter High School is built. Literacy does not just refer to the ability to read and write, but also to the literary, mathematical, historical, scientific, and cultural knowledge necessary to communicate. This year long course addresses historical literacy by examining the past from a global perspective, focusing on the enduring aspects of the human experience. Organized according to 3 time periods spanning 1450 C.E. to the present, this course offers a balanced and diverse investigation into regional civilizations across time. By the end of this course, students will be able to offer historically informed interpretations of, and solutions to, contemporary problems as they become the local, national, and international leaders of their generation This course provides some of the literacy, communication skills, and analytical tools students will need in order to be good leaders. This course is a-g approved.
AP World History Literacy and leadership are foundational principles upon which Liberty Charter High School is built. Literacy does not just refer to the ability to read and write, but also to the literary, mathematical, historical, scientific, and cultural knowledge necessary to communicate. This year long course addresses historical literacy by examining the past from a global perspective, focusing on the enduring aspects of the human experience. Organized according to 5 time periods spanning 8,000 B.C.E. to the present, this course offers a balanced and diverse investigation into regional civilizations across time. By the end of this course, students will be able to offer historically informed interpretations of, and solutions to, contemporary problems as they become the local, national, and international leaders of their generation. This course provides some of the literacy, communication skills, and analytical tools students will need in order to be good leaders. This course also prepares students to pass the AP world history exam administered in May. Depending on their AP world history exam score, students may be awarded college credit for this course. This course is a-g approved.
College Prep US History By involving ourselves in the History and Culture of the United States of America, students will become more familiar with the founding Ideals that have guided and continue to guide our nations’ course. Those ideals of Liberty, Equality, Democracy, Opportunity, and Rights permeate the our discussion throughout the entirety of our two semester course. Students will engage in reenactments of historical events, both in class and out. Students will write about US History from the view point of our founding ideals. And students will involve themselves in the process of History through inquiry based activities. This course is a-g approved.
AP US History Literacy and leadership are foundational principles upon which Liberty Charter High School is built. Literacy does not just refer to the ability to read and write, but also to the literary, mathematical, historical, scientific, and cultural knowledge necessary to communicate. This year long course addresses historical literacy by examining the past from diverse perspectives. By the end of this course, students will be able to offer historically informed interpretations of, and solutions to, contemporary problems as they become the local, national, and international leaders of their generation. This course provides some of the literacy, communication skills, and analytical tools students will need in order to be good leaders. This course is a-g approved.
Some of the themes covered in this AP US History course include:
- American Diversity
- American Identity
- Culture
- Demographic Changes
- Economic Transformations
- Environment
- Globalization
- Politics and Citizenship
- Religion
- Slavery and Its Legacies in North America
- War and Diplomacy
Technology I is a foundational course to prepare each Liberty Charter High School student with the skills to succeed in projects and assignments they will undertake during their time at LCHS and in future education.
The first semester will address introductory basics of Google apps and on the Microsoft Office Suite. These tools will be needed to complete future projects for other classes at LCHS.
The majority attention will be given to the Microsoft Office tools. Each of the following tools will be explored extensively: Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
The second semester will expand into other applications of computer technology such as: graphics editing and video production and editing.
Technology II is the Microsoft IT Academy certification course. The goal of this course is to prepare each student to take the Microsoft Office certification tests for the Office Suite tools. Not all students have to take the Microsoft certification testing, but all students who successfully complete the class coursework will receive a class certificate of completion for each MS Office Suite tool they have successfully completed.
The required class coursework is the Microsoft Office Suite of tools. Each of the following tools will be studied extensively: Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Access.
Once the MSIT coursework is completed, the students will expand into other applications of computer technology in student directed exploration and application.
- Agriculture and Industrial Life Skills
- Home and Career Life Skills
- Garment Making
- eDynamic Online Courses